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lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

José Delgado Un cientifico clave de HAARP es de Madrid.

Según el Dr. Nick Begich en su reportaje ”Angels dont play this HAARP, José Delgado se graduó en la “University of Madrid” en los 50 y se fue a Yale en los 60 para dedicarse a la investigación de control de frecuencias cerebrales desde el exterior. Lo que dice sobre los experimentos de Delgado es alucinante. La parte del video en que habla de Degaldo y su trabajo en Yale empieza en el minuto 55:55.

Asimismo, destacar que recientemente el Dr. Jose Delgado en estos momentos es un referente en el estudio de los temas holisticos en el marco de la neuropsiquiatria, como puede comprobarse en los siguientes enlaces.

Igualmente, reproducimos aqui una correspondencia mantenida entre un departamento de investigacion solicitando los estudios del Dr. Jose Delgado sobre los temas relacionados con el control de la mente.

John Rawlings Rees, Jose Delgado, and Mind Control

By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

August 2, 2005

From: Barbara Mase
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 1:29 AM
Subject: question


I am doing research for a documentary and am looking for film footage or audio recording of JR Rees who worked for Tavistock. You are probably familiar with him but he was involved in mind control experiments at Tavistock. I am also looking for any moving footage of audio on Jose Delgado from Yale who was performing experiments to control people – he started on animals first.

If you have any leads for me or could direct me to someone, I would appreciate it. This is for a documentary on Human Rights and is a non profit, not for TV documentary

Thanks in advance

Barbara Mase

—– Original Message —–

From: Educate-Yourself
To: Barbara Mase
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: question

Hi Barbara,

I don’t have the info you seek, but John Coleman wrote a good deal about Rees, as did David Icke. Rees was active during WWII in Britain and something might exist from that era.

Delgado was filmed at that bullring demononstration, I’ve seen it myself. Try contacting Walter Bowart, he might know a source. I’ll forward your note to ZS Livingstone.

Regards, Ken

From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:49 AM
To: Educate-Yourself; Barbara Mase
Subject: Re: question

Barbara and Ken,

I remember seeing a documentary on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) regarding something similar in the 1970s or 80s. The video had a National Film Board of Canada voice-over. Check with the NFB in Ottawa as well.

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
—– Original Message —–
From: Barbara Mase
To: ‘Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone’
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:25 AM
Subject: RE: question

Dear Zuerrnnovah

Thanks for the info below. I contacted CBC and National Film Board in Canada and they have nothing coming up under JR Rees or John Rawlings Rees. It was suggested to me that if I knew what the program they aired was about, possibly they could do a search for it.

Do you have any recollection of what the program was called, what its subject was or anything that could give some other clues?

Thanks a lot.


—- Original Message —–
From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
To: Barbara Mase
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: question


The image of the bull stopping, head hung low, confused and stunned, when the “matador” pushed a button on a radio transceiver was shocking. I saw the video twenty or so years ago and then nothing. Nary a word.

The story was that researchers had found a way to control emotions by threading two wires deep into the brain. The research started decades ago on monkeys, apes and there was a violent criminal who had been also wired and was given the “button” so that he could push it whenever he felt violent. Apparently he was pushing the button a lot.

Having watched the old “Ben Casey” 1960s medical drama about a brain surgeon, I knew that the wires were in what was called the “inoperable” area of the brain. The video reported that the wires were implanted in the thalamus between the pituitary and pineal. The thalamus coordinates many functions in the body and it is associated with “moods”. The wiring was done in such a way to give the patient an artificial sense of happiness but if the wires moved even a little as a millimeter the patient could go into a violent rage. My immediate thought was a question, “How many animals and people did the researchers kill in perfecting the operation?”

There was an ape with shaved patches on its skull and a metal cap holding the wires tightly to the head. The ape was pushing its own button as fast and long as it could. It was addicted to the electric zap. Whatever it was feeling, it was pleasurable and addictive.

The original research appeared to be in a British university… Bristol? American research at …Princeton? The intent of the researchers was to help violent if not psychotic individuals overcome their antisocial behaviours.

From the video, I felt that they had found ways to make animals and men MORE psychotic. I do not believe anyone, animal or human would want to live with wires in their heads.

With the improvements in electronics any further developments over the past three decades could be mind boggling.

There were newspaper and magazine articles on the same subject in the 1970s, but like the video, they too stopped appearing.

Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone

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Por si a alguien le quedaba alguna duda, en este momento los estudios sobre la conducta, la mente, el comportamiento y la frecuencia cerebral son una de las prioridades de la nueva ciencia del siglo XXI.

Recordemos que HAARP ha sido recientemente denunciado ante el Tribunal de La Haya y tanto el Dr. Begich como actualmente el Dr. Delgado se han unido a dicha denuncia, por conocer desde dentro el proyecto.

StarVieWerTeam 2009 (Greg Grisham)